Designed and Developed by Zane.Services for LiquidRP

Whitelist Questions
1. If you've applied before and received a rejection, please share the feedback that was sent to you in DMs by the Appy bot. If this is your first application, respond with "first application.”
2. What is your age (your REAL age please)?
3. Have you ever been banned from a city before? If so, please explain in detail.
4. Please provide us the backstory of a character you plan on bringing into the city. This must be detailed, and at minimum, 75 words.. If your backstory is too long for Discord, please paste it in a Google Doc and share the link as your answer - make sure the settings make it so anyone with the link can view. Staff will NOT download any attachments.
5. Is it ever okay to break character?
6. What is combat logging?
7. Explain what RDM and VDM are.
8. How would you report a case of RDM to staff? Please be specific about the reporting requirements.
9. How long must you stay away from a location after being downed and revived?
10. What is the maximum number of players allowed in a PvP activity?
11. You are in the process of robbing a house when an officer enters and points their gun at you, ordering you to stop and put your hands up. What do you do?
12. You have just been downed in a shootout between two gangs. Once EMS arrives on scene, how do you interact with EMS?
13. What is metagaming?
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